An annual subscription, valid from 01 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 was due following the club’s annual general meeting held in April where fees for the coming year were agreed.
It is a requirement of our Public Liability Insurance that the application form is completed and returned to the Membership Secretary by the 31st May 2024 to reinstate the necessary cover for our walkers and leaders.
Annual subscriptions 2024-2025
Adult member £15 per annum
Juniors (11-18) £10 per annum
Full time students (18-21) £10 per annum
A monthly newsletter will be sent to all members by email.
To apply or renew membership you can download an application form by clicking the following link. To comply with current data protection laws all members must also complete the GDPR consent form.
2024-2025 application & gdpr forms
Please send your completed form together with a cheque (payable to OHWC) for the correct amount to the Membership Secretary at the address shown, alternatively pay by bank transfer as detailed on the form.
Guests/prospective members are invited to come on any 3 walks (monthly and mid-month) before being offered membership.
Existing members renewing their membership must pay the full annual subscription, whenever they renew. New members to pay the full £15 when joining during May – August; £10 when joining September – December; £5 when joining January – April.