

Next Mid Month Walk

Leicester City Centre Historical Walk

Sunday 16th Feb 

Starting at 10am from the top of New Walk in the city centre.

Join us for an approx 7 mile walk, led by Lesley Gill – visiting the sites of our own Leicester – with plenty of stops, photo opportunities and tea/cafe breaks!

Go to our Januarys newsletter below for full details and where to book!



Skittles Night & Meal

  • Book early to secure your place!


Saturday 26th April

Wigston Conservative Club

We have 2 new positions coming up that will need to be filled in order for ther club to continue running efficiently: 

              *Club secretary                        *Walk Co-ordinator 

Please read Januarys newsletter below for all details…




Sunday 2nd March


Peak District


Hope Valley, Hathersage

Book early to secure your place on the coach!


See the Newsletter for all information about the walk, and check out the Route Map to plan your day

Make sure you bring the correct clothing and equipment – keep an eye on the weather  forecast!


There will be a few walks available of various lengths.

1 long (Kev)

4 medium (Catherine, Geoff, John, Adam)

And 1 Short (Martin)

This may change and the final details will be on the route map which will be posted on here a few days before the walk

Click on our latest Newsletter below for all the details! 

 Come along and join us for a really great day out

Look in the latest newsletter and  click on the map route link below to see the walks available, the distances and elevation, whos leading them, and plan your day

Click on the walk route maps for Matlock to choose your walk for the day

Remember,  its not just the length of the walk you need to consider, but the elevation (height) and the weather forecast too.

If, for any reason the club committee feels the walk shouldn’t take place, we will send out emails to club members as soon as we can, so please be vigilant and check your emails, phone etc for any last minute adjustments.  Thank you



Matlock Map Routes

Matlock Walk Routes2




Going into 2025 – Cotswald are still offering amazing  20% discount for OHWC Members!!!

Anyone who’s  interested in taking Cotswald Outdoor up on their very generous offer can go to the Newsletter for more details!  


It has come to our attention that anyone parking at the Fosse Park stop for the coach pick up may be charged, as new legislation has been put into force, so just be mindful of where you leave your vehicles and check the signs


If you haven’t paid as yet and are able to pay online, using BACS, please do so.

 Bank details for coach payments: Barclays Bank, Account Name. OHWC , Sort code. 20-49-08, Account. 50124990 (Please quote surname and month of walk.)

If you do not have online banking we can provide contactless or chip and pin payment on the coach.

If you haven’t walked with us before, can you visit the club website and note what you will need to bring with you. You’ll find this under the Walks Tab and Essential Information Tab. Walking boots with ankle support are mandatory for our insurance purposes. Walking shoes, trainers and wellies are NOT appropriate. Whilst there, could you download and complete the Safety Form and keep a copy in the top pocket of your day sack or ruck sack. We have a boot/toilet stop on the way so you can wear your normal shoes on the coach, changing into your boots at the stop. If you haven’t already booked, but would like to go, then please contact me as soon as possible. Should you have already booked, but then cannot go, then please advise me by the midnight on the  Tuesday before the walk, otherwise you will still have to pay for your seat. Please don’t forget to bring some loose change to give as a tip to the coach driver. We look forward to seeing you all.

Contact membership secretary by using emal – link below if you would like to join us. 


The club has a Facebook page  Oadby Hillwalking Club –

Please have a look

 The committee would like to remind all walkers of the following:-

An up to date safety form should be carried in the top pocket of your rucksack

(see Essential information on drop down menu to download a form).

Walkers must wear sturdy walking boots

You must book a place in advance on the coach or you may not be allowed to travel!



Oadby Hillwalking Club  NEWSLETTERS

You can read some of our recent monthly newsletters by clicking on the links below

202501_OHWC Newsletter_January 2025

202412_OHWC Newsletter_December 2024-1

202411_OHWC Newsletter_November 2024




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